Archivo de la etiqueta: consola

Condoricosas que encontramos en los fuentes


Estaba revisando mi archivo de configuración hosts (/etc/hosts), para eliminar algunos distractivos que tengo a la hora de trabajar (si, tiendo a tener una mente muy distraida), por lo general lo que hago es apuntar los dominios que mas visito en esa lista y los apunto a; Bueno volviendo al tema, estaba editando el host cuando me fijo por casualidad en alguno de los comentarios que estaban lineas mas arriba y me encuentro con algo como esto:

# By the way, Arnt Gulbrandsen <> says that
# should NEVER be named with the name of the machine. It causes problems
# for some (stupid) programs, irc and reputedly talk. :^)

Lo cual llamo mi atención, no solía ver este tipo de cosas, así que me pregunté si habría más de ese tipo de cosas en los fuentes de configuración y codigo. Por lo cual rápidamente escribo en la consola:

pablo@darkstar:~$ sudo fgrep stupid /etc/ -R

y me encuentro con cosas como:

/etc/hosts:# for some (stupid) programs, irc and reputedly talk. :^)
/etc/cron.daily/certwatch:# This stupid script (C) 2006,2007 Jan Rafaj
/etc/skel/.screenrc:#remove some stupid / dangerous key bindings
/etc/termcap-BSD:mono-emx|stupid monochrome ansi terminal with only one kind of emphasis:\
/etc/termcap-BSD:# emulations (usually their stupidest, and usually labeled adm3, though
/etc/termcap-BSD:# * Added vt102-nsgr to cope with stupid IBM PC `VT100′ emulators.
/etc/hosts~:# for some (stupid) programs, irc and reputedly talk. :^)
/etc/screenrc:#remove some stupid / dangerous key bindings

Y me volví a preguntar, donde consigo más?

nuevamente corrí el comando en una carpeta donde probablemente haya más de ese tipo de comments:

pablo@darkstar:~$ sudo fgrep stupid /usr/include/ -R

/usr/include/poppler/goo/gtypes.h: * These have stupid names to avoid conflicts with some (but not all)
/usr/include/poppler/goo/gtypes.h: * These have stupid names to avoid conflicts with <sys/types.h>,
/usr/include/gdkmm-2.4/gdkmm/window.h: * This function has a stupid name because it dates back to the mists
/usr/include/fontforge/splinefont.h: unsigned int weight_width_slope_only: 1; /* This bit seems stupid to me */
/usr/include/boost/unordered/detail/table.hpp: // For some stupid reason, I decided to support equality comparison
/usr/include/boost/graph/filtered_graph.hpp: // This base class is a stupid hack to change overload resolution
/usr/include/boost/graph/distributed/page_rank.hpp: // the stupid synchronization rules of MPI-2 One-sided
/usr/include/boost/lambda/detail/operators.hpp: // It is stupid to have the names A and B as macro arguments, but it avoids
/usr/include/boost/xpressive/detail/core/quant_style.hpp:// // Replace transmogrify stupidity with rebindable matchers/placeholders
/usr/include/subversion-1/svn_client.h:/** Like svn_client_commit_item3_create() but with a stupid «const»
/usr/include/kwineffects.h: WindowQuadError, // for the stupid default ctor
/usr/include/k3biso9660.h: * Due to the stupid Qt which does not support large files as default
/usr/include/p2c/p2c.h:/* Fix toupper/tolower on Suns and other stupid BSD systems */
/usr/include/wx-2.8/wx/log.h: // is a bad idea as some compilers are stupid enough to not inline even
/usr/include/wx-2.8/wx/defs.h: /* no such stupidness under Unix */
/usr/include/wx-2.8/wx/defs.h:#else /* stupid, broken compiler */
/usr/include/wx-2.8/wx/layout.h:// X stupidly defines these in X.h
/usr/include/wx-2.8/wx/generic/grid.h: // suppress the stupid gcc warning about the class having private dtor and
/usr/include/wx-2.8/wx/generic/grid.h: // suppress the stupid gcc warning about the class having private dtor and
/usr/include/wx-2.8/wx/generic/grid.h: // suppress the stupid gcc warning about the class having private dtor and
/usr/include/icc34.h: Added the stupid check for autoconf by Marti Maria.
/usr/include/strigi/streambase.h: * stupid / does not work by design 🙂
/usr/include/seamonkey/nsMsgLineBuffer.h:// I can’t believe I have to have this stupid class, but I can’t find
/usr/include/seamonkey/mozilla/dom/HTMLMediaElement.h: // SetAttr override. C++ is stupid, so have to override both
/usr/include/seamonkey/mozilla/dom/HTMLImageElement.h: // SetAttr override. C++ is stupid, so have to override both
/usr/include/seamonkey/mozilla/dom/HTMLCanvasElement.h: // SetAttr override. C++ is stupid, so have to override both
/usr/include/talloc.h: stupidity in gcc 4.1.x */
/usr/include/openssl/err.h:/* Borland C seems too stupid to be able to shift and do longs in
/usr/include/archive.h:/* Default implementations are very, very stupid. */
/usr/include/linux/cm4000_cs.h:/* what is particularly stupid in the original driver is the arch-dependent
/usr/include/linux/reiserfs_fs.h: /* this file has an amazingly stupid
/usr/include/kmessagebox.h: * or your user did something stupid.
/usr/include/kmessagebox.h: * or your user did something stupid.
/usr/include/seamonkey-2.21/nsMsgLineBuffer.h:// I can’t believe I have to have this stupid class, but I can’t find
/usr/include/seamonkey-2.21/mozilla/dom/HTMLMediaElement.h: // SetAttr override. C++ is stupid, so have to override both
/usr/include/seamonkey-2.21/mozilla/dom/HTMLImageElement.h: // SetAttr override. C++ is stupid, so have to override both
/usr/include/seamonkey-2.21/mozilla/dom/HTMLCanvasElement.h: // SetAttr override. C++ is stupid, so have to override both
/usr/include/php/ext/mysqlnd/mysqlnd_wireprotocol.h: zend_bool stupid_list_fields_eof;
/usr/include/ImageMagick/Magick++/Include.h:# pragma warning( disable: 4273 ) /* Disable the stupid dll linkage warnings */
/usr/include/Xm/BulletinBP.h: Widget stupid_dead_field;
/usr/include/eigen2/Eigen/src/Core/util/Meta.h: // use ?: instead of || just to shut up a stupid gcc 4.3 warning
/usr/include/eigen2/Eigen/src/Core/util/XprHelper.h: void nevermind_this_is_just_to_work_around_a_stupid_gcc3_warning();

Y así uno encuentra cosas en los fuentes. Algunos con ganas de expresar su profundo malestar y otros bueh… mejor díganlo ustedes.