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Slackware 14.1 – Luego de una larga espera está finalmente aquí

Slackware pin


Luego de una larga espera finalmente está aqui, un nuevo lanzamiento. Slackware 14.1 ya está aquí. hace aproximadamente 15 horas fue lanzado. Entre las cosas que se mencionan en el mail de anuncio del lanzamiento tenemos:

– Slackware  viene con dos de los ambientes de escritorios más avanzados hoy en día: XFCE 4.10.1, rápido y liviano, pero visualmente atractivo y fácil de usar. Además KDE 4.10.5 una versión estable de las serie 4.10.x.
Ambos escritorios utilizan udev, udisks y udisks2 y muchas de las especificaciones de lo que permite al administrador del sistema conceder el uso de varios dispositivos de hardware según la pertenencia a grupos de usuarios lo que les permitirá utilizar elementos tales como memorias USB, unidades de CD y DVD, reproductores MP3 y más, todos estos sin requerir el uso de sudo, mount umount . Todo plug and play!.. El escritorio de Slackware es adecuado para cualquier nivel de experiencia en Linux.

– Viene con el Kernel 3.10.17 con las más  avanzadas características de  rendimiento tales como sistemas de archivos, soporte para SCSI  y ATA RAID, soporte para SATA, RAID por Software, LVM (Logical Volume Manager) y sistemas de archivos encriptados. El kernel soporta X DRI (Interfaz de renderizado directo) que aporta velocidad al hardware de aceleradoras gráficas 3D.
Esta versión del kernel está bien probada, ofrece buena performance, y tiene LTS (Long time support – Soporte a largo plazo) por parte de

– Los binarios vienen linkeados la libreria GNU C de la versión 2.17, que también tiene excelente soporte para librerías existentes.

– X11 basado en el sistema de ventanas modular X (X Windows System) de la Fundación X.Org . Esta es la X11R7.7, un nuevo lanzamiento, con muchas mejoras en terminos de performance y soporte de hardware.

– Slackware 14.1 viene con gcc-4.8.2 como compilador por defecto para C, C++, Objective-C,
Fortran-77/95/2003/2008, y Ada 95/2005/2012

– También incluye  LLVM y Clang, un compilador alternativo para   C, C++,
Objective-C y Objective-C++

– La versión x86_64 de Slackware 14.1 viene con soporte de instalación y arranque en máquinas que usen el firnmware UEFI.

– Soporte para NetworkManager para la configuración sencilla del redes de cable  e inalámbricas, incluyendo la banda ancha móvil, IPv6, VPN, y mucho más. Roaming sin problemas entre redes conocidas y configurar rápidamente nuevas conexiones. Hemos conservado pleno soporte a los  tradicionales scripts de redes de  Slackware  y para el administrador de red wicd, ofreciendo opciones y flexibilidad a todos los niveles de usuarios

Y muchas cosas más. A continuación copio el email de Patrick J. Volkerding anunciando slackware. Pueden copiarlo y traducirlo usando las herramientas de google

Yes, it is that time again!  After well over a year of planning,
development, and testing, the Slackware Linux Project is proud to
announce the latest stable release of the longest running distribution
of the Linux operating system, Slackware version 14.1!

We are sure you’ll enjoy the many improvements.  We’ve done our best to bring the latest technology to Slackware while still maintaining the stability and security that you have come to expect.  Slackware is well known for its simplicity and the fact that we try to bring software to you in the condition that the authors intended.

Slackware 14.1 brings many updates and enhancements, among which you’ll find two of the most advanced desktop environments available today: Xfce 4.10.1, a fast and lightweight but visually appealing and easy to use desktop environment, and KDE 4.10.5, a recent stable release of the 4.10.x series of the award-winning KDE desktop environment. These desktops utilize udev, udisks, and udisks2, and many of the
specifications from which allow the system administrator
to grant use of various hardware devices according to users’ group
membership so that they will be able to use items such as USB flash
sticks, USB cameras that appear like USB storage, portable hard drives,
CD and DVD media, MP3 players, and more, all without requiring sudo, the
mount or umount command.  Just plug and play.  Slackware’s desktop
should be suitable for any level of Linux experience.

Slackware uses the 3.10.17 kernel bringing you advanced performance features such as journaling filesystems, SCSI and ATA RAID volume support, SATA support, Software RAID, LVM (the Logical Volume Manager), and encrypted filesystems.  Kernel support for X DRI (the Direct Rendering Interface) brings high-speed hardware accelerated 3D graphics to Linux.

There are two kinds of kernels in Slackware.  First there are the huge kernels, which contain support for just about every driver in the Linux kernel. These are primarily intended to be used for installation, but there’s no real reason that you couldn’t continue to run them after you have installed.  The other type of kernel is the generic kernel, in which nearly every driver is built as a module.  To use a generic kernel you’ll need to build an initrd to load your filesystem module and possibly your drive controller or other drivers needed at boot time, configure LILO to load the initrd at boot, and reinstall LILO.  See the docs in /boot after installing for more information.  Slackware’s Linux kernels come in both SMP and non-SMP types now.  The SMP kernel supports multiple processors, multi-core CPUs, HyperThreading, and about every other optimization available.  In our own testing this kernel has proven to be fast, stable, and reliable.  We recommend using the SMP kernel even on single processor machines if it will run on them.  Note that on
x86_64 (64-bit), all the kernels are SMP capable.

Here are some of the advanced features of Slackware 14.1:

– Runs the 3.10.17 version of the Linux kernel from
The 3.10.x series is well-tested, offers good performance, and will be
getting long term support from  For people interested in
running the previous long term support kernel series, we’ve provided
sample configuration files for Linux 3.4.66 under the /testing directory.
And, to make it easier for people who want to compile the latest Linux
kernel, we’ve also put configuration files for Linux 3.12 in /testing.

– System binaries are linked with the GNU C Library, version 2.17.
This version of glibc also has excellent compatibility with
existing binaries.

– X11 based on the X.Org Foundation’s modular X Window System.
This is X11R7.7, a new release, with many improvements in terms of
performance and hardware support.

– Installs gcc-4.8.2 as the default C, C++, Objective-C,
Fortran-77/95/2003/2008, and Ada 95/2005/2012 compiler.

– Also includes LLVM and Clang, an alternate compiler for C, C++,
Objective-C and Objective-C++.

– The x86_64 version of Slackware 14.1 supports installation and booting
on machines using UEFI firmware.

– Support for NetworkManager for simple configuration of wired and
wireless network connections, including mobile broadband, IPv6, VPN,
and more.  Roam seamlessly between known networks, and quickly set
up new connections.  We’ve retained full support for the traditional
Slackware networking scripts and for the wicd network manager,
offering choice and flexibility to all levels of users.

– Support for fully encrypted network connections with OpenSSL,
OpenSSH, OpenVPN, and GnuPG.

– Apache (httpd) 2.4.6 web server with Dynamic Shared Object
support, SSL, and PHP 5.4.20.

– USB, IEEE 1394 (FireWire), and ACPI support, as well as legacy PCMCIA
and Cardbus support.  This makes Slackware a great operating system
for your laptop.

– The udev dynamic device management system for Linux 3.x.
This locates and configures most hardware automatically as it
is added (or removed) from the system, loading kernel modules
as needed.  It works along with the kernel’s devtmpfs filesystem
to create access nodes in the /dev directory.

– New development tools, including Perl 5.18.1, Python 2.7.5,
Ruby 1.9.3-p448, Subversion 1.7.13, git-1.8.4, mercurial-2.7.2,
graphical tools like Qt designer and KDevelop, and much more.

– Updated versions of the Slackware package management tools make it
easy to add, remove, upgrade, and make your own Slackware packages.
Package tracking makes it easy to upgrade from Slackware 14.0 to
Slackware 14.1 (see UPGRADE.TXT and CHANGES_AND_HINTS.TXT).
The slackpkg tool can also help update from an older version of
Slackware to a newer one, and keep your Slackware system up to date.
In addition, the slacktrack utility will help you build and maintain
your own packages.

– Web browsers galore!  Includes KDE’s Konqueror 4.10.5, SeaMonkey 2.21
(this is the replacement for the Mozilla Suite), Mozilla Firefox ESR 24.1,
as well as the Thunderbird 24.1 email and news client with advanced
junk mail filtering.  A script is also available in /extra to repackage
Google Chrome as a native Slackware package.

– The KDE Software Compilation 4.10.5, a complete desktop environment.
This includes the Calligra productivity suite (previously known as
KOffice), networking tools, GUI development with KDevelop, multimedia
tools (including the Amarok music player and K3B disc burning software),
the Konqueror web browser and file manager, dozens of games and utilities,
international language support, and more.

– A collection of GTK+ based applications including pidgin-2.10.7,
gimp-2.8.6 (with many improvements including a single window mode),
gkrellm-2.3.5, xchat-2.8.8, xsane-0.998, and pan-0.139.

– A repository of extra software packages compiled and ready to run
in the /extra directory.

– Many more improved and upgraded packages than we can list here.  For
a complete list of core packages in Slackware 14.1, see this file:

Downloading Slackware 14.1:

The full version of Slackware Linux 14.1 is available for download from the central Slackware FTP site hosted by our friends at

If the sites are busy, see the list of official mirror sites here:

We will be setting up BitTorrent downloads for the official ISO images.  Stay tuned to for the latest updates.

Instructions for burning the Slackware tree onto install discs may be found in the isolinux directory.

Purchasing Slackware on CD-ROM or DVD:

Or, please consider purchasing the Slackware Linux 14.1 six CD-ROM set or deluxe dual-sided DVD release directly from Slackware Linux, and you’ll be helping to support the continued development of Slackware Linux!

The DVD release has the 32-bit x86 Slackware 14.1 release on one side, and the 64-bit x86_64 Slackware 14.1 release on the other.  Both sides are bootable for easy installation, and includes everything from both releases of Slackware 14.1, including the complete source code trees.

The 6 CD-ROM release of Slackware 14.1 is the 32-bit x86 edition. It includes a bootable first CD-ROM for easy installation.  The 6 CD-ROMs are labeled for easy reference.

The Slackware 14.1 x86 6 CD-ROM set is $49.95 plus shipping, or choose the Slackware 14.1 x86/x86_64 dual-sided DVD (also $49.95 plus shipping).

Slackware Linux is also available by subscription.  When we release a new version of Slackware (which is normally once or twice a year) we ship it to you and bill your credit card for a reduced subscription price ($32.99 for the CD-ROM set, or $39.95 for the DVD) plus shipping.

For shipping options, see the Slackware store website.  Before ordering express shipping, you may wish to check that we have the product in stock. We make releases to the net at the same time as disc production begins, so there is a lag between the online release and the shipping of media. But, even if you download now you can still buy the official media later. You’ll feel good, be helping the project, and have a great decorative item perfect for any computer room shelf.  🙂

Ordering Information:

You can order online at the Slackware Linux store:

Other Slackware items like t-shirts, caps, pins, and stickers can also be found here.  These will help you find and identify yourself to your fellow Slackware users.

Order inquiries (including questions about becoming a Slackware reseller) may be directed to this address:

Have fun! :^)  I hope you find Slackware to be useful, and thanks
very much for your support of this project over the years.

Patrick J. Volkerding    <>

Visit us on the web at:

Así es amigos, tenemos una nueva versión, personalmente en cuanto llegue a casa la descargaré e instalaré. Y en estos días actualizaré la notebook del trabajo, para poder probar el soporte UEFI (ya que fue un parto tratar de instalar la última vez por problemas con el UEFI).


PD. No olviden visitar el la tienda oficial de Slackware o la tienda licenciada de Slackware donde pueden contribuir con el proyecto o directamente con Patrick (en ese orden).